Frederico Poley
Pesquisador, professor e gestor em órgãos dos governos federal, estadual e municipal, com experiência no gerenciamento, desenvolvimento de pesquisas e também na análise de dados, nas áreas de desenvolvimento local e regional, despovoamento, habitação, saneamento e domicílios (crianças e adolescentes, população de rua, idosos), inclusive atuando diretamente na elaboração e acompanhamento de diversas políticas públicas. Ministrou cursos em diferentes estados do país, entre eles, Tocantins, Distrito Federal, Minas Gerais, Maranhão, Espírito Santo, Alagoas, Paraná e foi convidado a apresentar palestras em países como, Inglaterra, Itália, México, Argentina e Chile. Realizou estudos de pós-doutorado em Políticas Públicas na Universidade de Sheffield UK e estágio no ILPES/CEPAL/ONU em Santiago do Chile.
PhD in Demography for the Center for Regional Development and Planning – CEDEPLAR – Federal University of Minas Gerais. MSc in Urban Planning, University of Brasília. Post-doc in Public Policy, University of Sheffield, UK (2009 – 2010). Internship at United Nations –- Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean – CEPAL- ILPES in Santiago de Chile (2012).
Dr. Frederico Poley’s research interests include data analysis in local and regional development, land tenure, housing, sanitation, and households (children and adolescents, homeless, elderly). He is a professor in the Public Management program in the Department of Political Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, and researcher and professor at Fundação João Pinheiro, an official statistical agency of the government of Minas Gerais. He was also the director of the Department of Statistics and Information and coordinator of the Master’s program in Public Administration in the School of Government at Fundação João Pinheiro. He has conducted and coordinated various applied studies and developed public policies in several Brazilian municipalities, states and regions involving local and regional development plans, homeless population estimates, plans and studies focusing on child labor, studies on land tenure, and studies on depopulation. Since 2020, he has been the research coordinator on the calculation of the housing deficit in Brazil, in partnership with the Ministry for Regional Development of the federal government in Brazil.